Emma Fleck
Professor of Entrepreneurship & Marketing
Department Head of Management and Marketing
Contact Information
Email Addressflecke@xingtaiyichuang.com
Phone Number570-372-4463
Office LocationApfelbaum Hall - Rm 239A

I first discovered the liberal arts philosophy when I attended a liberal arts school in Iowa during my junior year of college. Having been educated in Ireland, I was fascinated by the small classes and the interdisciplinary nature of the courses I took, even within a business school. This experience completely changed my outlook on education, but I never knew that I would be lucky enough to find my home at Susquehanna, where that liberal arts education could be realized on the other side of the classroom.
After completing my education in Ireland and spending six years as an academic there, my family and I decided it was time for an adventure and we emigrated to the U.S. where we found our way to Selinsgrove, via Colorado.
I am passionate about higher education, and specifically in teaching the area of entrepreneurship. I believe that entrepreneruship is not simply about starting a business, but is a mindset. I educate my students to understand that entrepreneurial thinking is something that should be embodied as a skill for life, which involves creativity, innovation and problem solving. In doing this, I hope to inspire my students for an entrepreneurial life and prepare them for exciting careers.
Academic Qualifications
August 2011
Awarded Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy
May 2011
University of Ulster, Northern Ireland
Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching Higher Education
Nov 2006
University of Ulster, Northern Ireland
PhD in Marketing and Entrepreneurship
Title “The Growth and development of female entrepreneurial firms in Ireland”
External Examiner: Professor Sara Carter, OBE
June 2002
University of Ulster
BA (Hons) International Business Studies
Awarded: 1st Class Honours
Graduated in top 2% of graduating class
Brief Outline of Career History
August 2016- Present
Susquehanna University (Tenure Track)
Associate Professor of Management
June 2013- July 2016
Colorado Mesa University (Tenure Track)
Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and Marketing
September 2007- June 2013
University of Ulster (Tenured)
Senior Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and Marketing
January 2007-September 2007
University of Ulster
Research Fellow and Conference Co-ordinator
December 2005-December 2006
JCDecaux, Belfast
Development Director for International outdoor marketing company
September 2005-December 2005
University of Ulster
Research Associate
September 2003- Sept 2007
University of Ulster
Part-time Lecturer 2
2000-2002 (June - Sept only)
Northern Ireland Assembly
Senior Assistant to the Deputy Speaker of the Northern Ireland assembly
Scientific Publications
Peer Reviewed Journals (in print)
Fleck, E. and Rousu, M. (2017) Using music for Theory Driven Entrepreneurship Education, Experiential Entrepreneurship Exercises Journal.
Fleck, E. (2015) ‘To grow or not to grow: Challenges or Choices for Female Entrepreneurs?’ Journal of Business Diversity, Vol 15, No. 2 (forthcoming).
Shinde, U. and Fleck, E. (2015) ‘What Spirituality can bring to leaders and managers: Enabling creativity, empathy and a stress free workplace’ Journal of Organizational Psychology, Vol 15, No. 1 (forthcoming).
Rouse, J., Treanor, L. and Fleck, E. (2013) ‘The gendering of entrepreneurship: theoretical and empirical insights’, International Journal of Behaviour and Research, Vol. 19, No. 5.
Fleck, E., Neergaard, H. And Hegarty, C. (2011) ‘The Politics of Gendered Growth’ International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, Volume 3, No. 2
Hutchinson, K. C, Fleck, E. and Lloyd-Reason, L. (2009) ‘The Role of Business Support Organisations in the Process of Retailer Internationalisation’, International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, Vol 19, No. 4 pp.371-388.
Hutchinson, K., Fleck, E and Lloyd-Reason, L. (2009) ‘An Investigation into the Initial Barriers to Internationalisation: Evidence from Small UK Retailers’. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol.16, No. 4, pp.544-568.
Reavley, M., Lituchy, T. and McClelland, E. (2005) ‘Female Entrepreneurs in International Trade’ International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 57-78.
McClelland, E., Swail, J., Bell, J. and Ibbotson, P. (2005) ‘Following the pathway of female entrepreneurs: a six country investigation’, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, Vol. 11, No.2, pp 84-107.
McClelland, E (2004), ‘Irish Female Entrepreneurs - mapping the route to Internationalisation’ Irish Journal of Management, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 92-107
Peer Reviewed Book Chapters
Hutchinson, K and Fleck, E. (2011) ‘The Role of the Owner-Manager in the Internationalization of SMEs: Promoter or Inhibitor?’ in: Managerial Cognition and Strategic Management. Rethinking Internationalization Strategies. Nova Science.
Conference Proceedings (Refereed)
Fleck, E. (2017) Examining women entrepreneurial firms: Understanding the factors which impact Growth Orientation, United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Charles D Close School of Entrepreneurship, Drexel University, January 19-22.
Fleck, E. and Rousu, M. (2017) Using music for Theory Driven Entrepreneurship Education, United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Charles D Close School of Entrepreneurship, Drexel University, January 19-22.
Fleck, E., Mathwich, B and Jouflas, G. (2015) Analysis of Assessment Tools for a Longitudinal Study of a Student Run Enterprise, Mountain Plains Management Conference, Colorado Mesa University, 16-18 September, 2015.
Perry, N and Fleck, E. (2015) The Economic Cost of Domestic Hunger in Mesa County, Mountain Plains Management Conference, Colorado Mesa University, 16-18 September, 2015.
Fleck, E (2015) ‘To grow or not to grow: Challenges or Choices for Female Entrepreneurs?’ Presented at the South Western Academy of Management, Houston, March 11-13.
Shinde, U. and Fleck, E (2015) ‘Mindful Management: Leveraging Spirituality in the Workplace as Management Resource’. Presented at the South Western Academy of Management, Houston, March 11-13
Mattwich, B. Fleck, E. and Jouflas, G. (2015) Experiential Learning as an Evolving Process: A longitudinal study of a student run hospitality enterprise. Presentation at Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education, California State University, February 7-8th.
Jouflas, G., Mathwich, B. and Fleck, E. (2014) ‘An investigation of Experiential Learning within Higher Education in the United States: Structure, Sustainability and Measurement’ Presented at the International Conference for Small Business, Dublin, 11th -14th June, 2014.
Smyth, I., McCracken, M. and Fleck, E. (2013) ‘Keeping On the Family Ties: The Role of Family Social Capital in the Succession Process”, Presented at the International Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference, Cardiff, 12th -13th November 2013.
Fleck, E., Hegarty, C. And Neergarrd, H. (2010) “To grow or not to Grow: Challenges and choices for women Entrepreneurs”, Present at the International Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference, London, UK (2nd -4 th November)
Neegaard, H. and Fleck, E. (2010) ‘Developing Principles of Growth’. Presented at the 2010 Diana International Conference on Women’s Entrepreneurship Research, Banff, Canada (3rd - 5 th August).
Reid, A. Fleck, E and Hutchinson, K. (2010) ‘Business Intelligence Reporting for SME Retailers: Towards a Conceptual Framework’. Presented at the AMA Summer Marketers Education Conference, Boston (13th -16th August).
Hutchinson, K., Fleck, E. and Lloyd-Reason, L. (2009) ‘The Role of Private and Public Support Organizations in Assisting UK Retailers to Overcome Barriers to International Expansion’, presented at the EAERCD Conference, Surrey, England, 11-13 July 2009. Chosen for the special edition of International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research.
Fleck, E. and Hegarty, C. (2008) ‘Barriers to the Growth of Female Entrepreneurial Organisations’ Presented at the DIANA International Research Symposium, Belfast, November 2008.
Fleck, E (2008), ‘The Growth and Development of Female Entrepreneurial OrganisationsEvidence from Ireland’ Presented at the ISBE, International Small Business Conference, Belfast, November 2008.
Hegarty, C. and Fleck, E. (2008) ‘Growth: the stylish option for female entrepreneurs in Northern Ireland?’ Presented at the ISBE, International Small Business Conference, Belfast, November 2008.
McClelland, E. and McBride, N (2007) ‘Analysing the training needs among the voluntary and community sector in Northern Ireland’, Presented at the Developing a Strategy and vision for Social Enterprises in the 21st Century Conference, September, 2007.
Hutchinson, K., McClelland, E and Lloyd-Reason, L. (2007) ‘An Investigation into the Initial Barriers to Internationalisation: Evidence from Small UK Retailers’ McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, September 2007, LA.
McClelland, E., Swail, J., Bell, J. and Ibbotson, P. (2005) ‘Following the pathway of female entrepreneurs: a six-country investigation’. Presented at the 7 th Annual McGill Conference, McGill University, Montreal, September.
Reavley, M., Lituchy, T. and McClelland, E. (2004) ‘Female Entrepreneurs in International Trade’. Presented at the UKAIB conference, University of Ulster, Magee, April.
McClelland, E. (2003) ‘An exploratory cross-border study of internationalising female Entrepreneurs in Ireland’ Presented at the 6th Annual McGill Conference, University of Ulster, Magee. September. (d) Competitive Research Grant
Competitive Research Grant Applications
December 2016: $2,500
Entrepreneur & Innovation Exchange E-fest Grant to support the development of entrepreneurial curriculum and prepare students to compete in E-Fest 2017.
Outcome: Fully Funded
October 2016: 18 month grant worth $100,000
National Endowment for the Humanities Connections 2017 Grant This project is entitled Rhetoric, Democracy, and Marketing brings together 3 faculty members at Susquehanna University to explore rhetoric in various contexts for teaching, research and collaboration.
Outcome: Unknown
September 2014: 5 year grant, worth $1,250,000
Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative
The purpose of the grant is to engage and teach young people about principle-based ethics, and to demonstrate that subscribing business ethics builds long-term value for all stakeholders.
November 2009 (£5,000)
British Academy/ ACU Grant for International Collaboration
Application entitled: Gaining Online Advantage via E-Tailing: Strategies for Small Independent Retailers.
Funding was sought to collaborate with Prof Frances Gunn, Ryerson University, Canada on this project.
Outcome - alpha rated application.
October 2009 (£1,500)
Academy of Marketing and Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Business Management Accountancy and Finance funding submitted.
Funding sought to develop a model for interactive collaboration in teaching marketing. October 2009
July 2009 (£7,500)
Research and Knowledge Exchange (RAKE) Fund
E-tailing: The use of technology in creating an online advantage for SME Retailers in the UK?
January 2009 (£7,500)
British Academy Small Research Grant
“E-Tailing: A viable route to international growth for small retailers?”
December 2008 (£3,000)
University of Ulster HEIF Academic Enterprise Funding Application submitted: “Now Grow”- Mentoring for Business Growth Scheme, is a joint initiative between Department of Business, Retail and Financial Services and the Causeway Enterprise Agency.
December 2008 (£5,000)
University of Ulster HEIF8 Cross Faculty Project Application submitted:
‘Creative Branding and Design Business Solutions for Small Firms in North West’ is a joint initiative between the UIster Business School and Faculty of Arts.
December 2008 (£3,000)
University of Ulster HEIF Academic Enterprise Funding Application submitted:
‘Growing Business Online for Retailers in Northern Ireland’. The project aimed to provide business advice and support to smaller resource constrained retailers struggling to compete in the current economic climate.
Measures of Esteem in Research
September 2016-Jan 2017 Reviewer for United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference, Drexel University, Jan 2017.
September 2010- Present: Founding member of the Gender and Enterprise Network, a Special Interest Group of the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship.
August 2010- Present: Reviewer for Education and Training
August 2010- Present: Reviewer for the International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship
July 2010- Present: Reviewer for Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
July 2010- Present: Reviewer for the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research
March 2010-Present: Reviewer for New Marketing Textbooks
March 2010- Present: Reviewer for British Academy of Management conference: Retail Special Interest Group
March 2009: Reviewer for EAERCD (European Association for Education and Research in Commercial Distribution) Conference July 2009
December 2008- Present: Reviewer for ESRC Mid-Career Fellowship Grants
September 2008- Present: Member of Ireland’s Network of Teachers and Researchers in Entrepreneurship
September 2007- Present: Member of Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Teaching and Administration
Areas of Teaching Experience and Expertise
Strategic Marketing
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
International Marketing
International Marketing (online and traditional format)
Marketing Management
Marketing Communications
Marketing Research
Entrepreneurship/ New Venture Creation
The Entrepreneurial Mind-set
Independent Honors Class Management of SME’s
Principles of Marketing (Online and traditional format)
Principles of Entrepreneurship- Multidisciplinary Bootcamp class
Freshman Year Initiative
Organisation Studies
Principles of HRM
In Development
Online Marketing and Sales
Creating Marketing Materials
Service Activity at Susquehanna University
Appointed Positions
Director for the Center of Economics, Business and Entrepreneurship Educatiom
Academic Director for the LIFE program
Faculty Affairs Committee member
Faculty support to the Dean for AACSB accreditation
Faculty Mentor to the Stanford Innovation Fellows
Member of the SWSB Curriculum Committee
Member of the SWSB Assessment committee
Search committee member for Marketing position
Curriculum Development
Completed full review of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Minor within SWSB and submitted extensive changes for new classes and structure to the minor to the University curriculum committee.
Developed 3 new classes for the revised Entrepreneurship and Innovation Minor within the SWSB.
Developed a project with ‘Gilson Snowboards’ for my international Business class whereby the class undertook a significant research project involving the Grand Valley Chamber of Commerce. These projects were presented in December 2016 to Gilson and a panel of local business people
Consultancy Work
Sept 2009-June 2012: Knowledge Transfer Partnership ($150,000 over 2 years) Working with Menary’s Retail Limited, a mid-level retail organization in Northern Ireland, I developed and implemented a tailored Business Information (BI) strategy that allowed the company to effectively communicate with and listen to its customers and better meet customer needs.
March 2011- May 2011: “Eco-nomic”. As part of the Innovation Promoters Programme (6 days) to support rebrand and launch of new product. (Value $7,500)
January-April 2011: Knowledge Club and Newtownabbey Borough Council, Northern Ireland. In collaboration with Newtownabbey Borough Council, I held a Business Seminar entitled ‘Strategies for Growth’. Twenty five companies within the Newtownabbey Borough Council area 8 attended the event which was followed up by a second funded event in April 5th to encourage businesses to utilise social media tools. ($2,500)
February 2010: HEIF Connect: Developing entrepreneurial skills through the Xing tool. Funding was sought to provide entrepreneurial training to final year students before attending the Flux enterprise competition. ($400)
October- December 2009: “Ballyeamon Eggs”, Cushendall. Market Research development and marketing plan. ($12, 000 but given Free Gratis as part of the Business in the Community mentoring initiative- 25 hours)
June 2009-July 2009: Invest Northern Ireland Innovation Voucher ($6,000) Marketing Research, Strategy and Plan for Gold and Silver Plating Services. Carried out for acceptable Enterprises, Larne.
Jan 2009- April 2009: Invest Northern Ireland Innovation Voucher ($6,000) ‘Efficiency appraisal of stock management and pricing systems’. Carried out for Hutchinson Tiles, Coleraine.
Dec 2008- January 2009: Invest Northern Ireland Innovation Voucher ($6,000)
Sept -December 2008: Market Research Report for UUTech ($5,500) The potential uses for NMR technology within the pharmaceutical industry in the UK and Ireland.
May - August 2008: Market Research Report for UUTech ($5,500) ‘Tank Hawk’ a cross faculty project between the Ulster Business School and the School of Environmental Science.
January 2008: University of Ulster HEIF Academic Enterprise Funding ($3,000) This was match funded by the Causeway Enterprise Agency (£1850.00) Together this funding was used to hold a training and networking event entitled ‘Intrigued to Innovate’ for women entrepreneurs. This event held on the 29th May 2008 attracted over 140 women from all over Northern Ireland.
Additional Information
Scholarships and Awards
2016: Presidents Merit Award for Excellence Value $3,000
2015: Presidents Merit Award for Excellence Value $1,000
2014: Professional Development Fund Colorado Mesa University To attend SWAM conference Value $2,000
2014: Presidents Merit Award for Excellence Value $500.00
2010: Erasmus Travel Grant To conduct teaching and research at Aarhus School of Business at Aarhus University, Denmark. Value $4,000
2009: Flux UK award I mentored a group of students to win the UK national award in enterprise Value $5,000
2002-2006: Department of Education and Learning (DEL) Full educational scholarship for PhD study. Value $180,000
June 2001: International Ambassador of the Year 2000-2001 Received from: Cornell College, USA
2000: Business Education Initiative Full educational scholarship to study in Cornell College, USA for 1 year Value $85,000
- MGMT-138: Fundamentals of Business
- MGMT-230: Entrepreneurship & Innovation
- MGMT-333: New Ventures & Corporate Innovation
- MGMT-350: International Business
- MGMT-437: Social & Sustainable Entrepreneurship
- MGMT-467: Topics in Management
- MGMT-501: Independent Study
- OFFP-BRITLAW: British Law, Commerce and Culture
- OFFR-BRITLAW: British Law, Commerce and Culture
- OFFS-BRITLAW: British Law, Commerce and Culture
About Me
I first discovered the liberal arts philosophy when I attended a liberal arts school in Iowa during my junior year of college. Having been educated in Ireland, I was fascinated by the small classes and the interdisciplinary nature of the courses I took, even within a business school. This experience completely changed my outlook on education, but I never knew that I would be lucky enough to find my home at Susquehanna, where that liberal arts education could be realized on the other side of the classroom.
After completing my education in Ireland and spending six years as an academic there, my family and I decided it was time for an adventure and we emigrated to the U.S. where we found our way to Selinsgrove, via Colorado.
I am passionate about higher education, and specifically in teaching the area of entrepreneurship. I believe that entrepreneruship is not simply about starting a business, but is a mindset. I educate my students to understand that entrepreneurial thinking is something that should be embodied as a skill for life, which involves creativity, innovation and problem solving. In doing this, I hope to inspire my students for an entrepreneurial life and prepare them for exciting careers.
Professional Experience
Academic Qualifications
August 2011
Awarded Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy
May 2011
University of Ulster, Northern Ireland
Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching Higher Education
Nov 2006
University of Ulster, Northern Ireland
PhD in Marketing and Entrepreneurship
Title “The Growth and development of female entrepreneurial firms in Ireland”
External Examiner: Professor Sara Carter, OBE
June 2002
University of Ulster
BA (Hons) International Business Studies
Awarded: 1st Class Honours
Graduated in top 2% of graduating class
Brief Outline of Career History
August 2016- Present
Susquehanna University (Tenure Track)
Associate Professor of Management
June 2013- July 2016
Colorado Mesa University (Tenure Track)
Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and Marketing
September 2007- June 2013
University of Ulster (Tenured)
Senior Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and Marketing
January 2007-September 2007
University of Ulster
Research Fellow and Conference Co-ordinator
December 2005-December 2006
JCDecaux, Belfast
Development Director for International outdoor marketing company
September 2005-December 2005
University of Ulster
Research Associate
September 2003- Sept 2007
University of Ulster
Part-time Lecturer 2
2000-2002 (June - Sept only)
Northern Ireland Assembly
Senior Assistant to the Deputy Speaker of the Northern Ireland assembly
Scientific Publications
Peer Reviewed Journals (in print)
Fleck, E. and Rousu, M. (2017) Using music for Theory Driven Entrepreneurship Education, Experiential Entrepreneurship Exercises Journal.
Fleck, E. (2015) ‘To grow or not to grow: Challenges or Choices for Female Entrepreneurs?’ Journal of Business Diversity, Vol 15, No. 2 (forthcoming).
Shinde, U. and Fleck, E. (2015) ‘What Spirituality can bring to leaders and managers: Enabling creativity, empathy and a stress free workplace’ Journal of Organizational Psychology, Vol 15, No. 1 (forthcoming).
Rouse, J., Treanor, L. and Fleck, E. (2013) ‘The gendering of entrepreneurship: theoretical and empirical insights’, International Journal of Behaviour and Research, Vol. 19, No. 5.
Fleck, E., Neergaard, H. And Hegarty, C. (2011) ‘The Politics of Gendered Growth’ International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, Volume 3, No. 2
Hutchinson, K. C, Fleck, E. and Lloyd-Reason, L. (2009) ‘The Role of Business Support Organisations in the Process of Retailer Internationalisation’, International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, Vol 19, No. 4 pp.371-388.
Hutchinson, K., Fleck, E and Lloyd-Reason, L. (2009) ‘An Investigation into the Initial Barriers to Internationalisation: Evidence from Small UK Retailers’. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol.16, No. 4, pp.544-568.
Reavley, M., Lituchy, T. and McClelland, E. (2005) ‘Female Entrepreneurs in International Trade’ International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 57-78.
McClelland, E., Swail, J., Bell, J. and Ibbotson, P. (2005) ‘Following the pathway of female entrepreneurs: a six country investigation’, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, Vol. 11, No.2, pp 84-107.
McClelland, E (2004), ‘Irish Female Entrepreneurs - mapping the route to Internationalisation’ Irish Journal of Management, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 92-107
Peer Reviewed Book Chapters
Hutchinson, K and Fleck, E. (2011) ‘The Role of the Owner-Manager in the Internationalization of SMEs: Promoter or Inhibitor?’ in: Managerial Cognition and Strategic Management. Rethinking Internationalization Strategies. Nova Science.
Conference Proceedings (Refereed)
Fleck, E. (2017) Examining women entrepreneurial firms: Understanding the factors which impact Growth Orientation, United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Charles D Close School of Entrepreneurship, Drexel University, January 19-22.
Fleck, E. and Rousu, M. (2017) Using music for Theory Driven Entrepreneurship Education, United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Charles D Close School of Entrepreneurship, Drexel University, January 19-22.
Fleck, E., Mathwich, B and Jouflas, G. (2015) Analysis of Assessment Tools for a Longitudinal Study of a Student Run Enterprise, Mountain Plains Management Conference, Colorado Mesa University, 16-18 September, 2015.
Perry, N and Fleck, E. (2015) The Economic Cost of Domestic Hunger in Mesa County, Mountain Plains Management Conference, Colorado Mesa University, 16-18 September, 2015.
Fleck, E (2015) ‘To grow or not to grow: Challenges or Choices for Female Entrepreneurs?’ Presented at the South Western Academy of Management, Houston, March 11-13.
Shinde, U. and Fleck, E (2015) ‘Mindful Management: Leveraging Spirituality in the Workplace as Management Resource’. Presented at the South Western Academy of Management, Houston, March 11-13
Mattwich, B. Fleck, E. and Jouflas, G. (2015) Experiential Learning as an Evolving Process: A longitudinal study of a student run hospitality enterprise. Presentation at Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education, California State University, February 7-8th.
Jouflas, G., Mathwich, B. and Fleck, E. (2014) ‘An investigation of Experiential Learning within Higher Education in the United States: Structure, Sustainability and Measurement’ Presented at the International Conference for Small Business, Dublin, 11th -14th June, 2014.
Smyth, I., McCracken, M. and Fleck, E. (2013) ‘Keeping On the Family Ties: The Role of Family Social Capital in the Succession Process”, Presented at the International Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference, Cardiff, 12th -13th November 2013.
Fleck, E., Hegarty, C. And Neergarrd, H. (2010) “To grow or not to Grow: Challenges and choices for women Entrepreneurs”, Present at the International Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference, London, UK (2nd -4 th November)
Neegaard, H. and Fleck, E. (2010) ‘Developing Principles of Growth’. Presented at the 2010 Diana International Conference on Women’s Entrepreneurship Research, Banff, Canada (3rd - 5 th August).
Reid, A. Fleck, E and Hutchinson, K. (2010) ‘Business Intelligence Reporting for SME Retailers: Towards a Conceptual Framework’. Presented at the AMA Summer Marketers Education Conference, Boston (13th -16th August).
Hutchinson, K., Fleck, E. and Lloyd-Reason, L. (2009) ‘The Role of Private and Public Support Organizations in Assisting UK Retailers to Overcome Barriers to International Expansion’, presented at the EAERCD Conference, Surrey, England, 11-13 July 2009. Chosen for the special edition of International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research.
Fleck, E. and Hegarty, C. (2008) ‘Barriers to the Growth of Female Entrepreneurial Organisations’ Presented at the DIANA International Research Symposium, Belfast, November 2008.
Fleck, E (2008), ‘The Growth and Development of Female Entrepreneurial OrganisationsEvidence from Ireland’ Presented at the ISBE, International Small Business Conference, Belfast, November 2008.
Hegarty, C. and Fleck, E. (2008) ‘Growth: the stylish option for female entrepreneurs in Northern Ireland?’ Presented at the ISBE, International Small Business Conference, Belfast, November 2008.
McClelland, E. and McBride, N (2007) ‘Analysing the training needs among the voluntary and community sector in Northern Ireland’, Presented at the Developing a Strategy and vision for Social Enterprises in the 21st Century Conference, September, 2007.
Hutchinson, K., McClelland, E and Lloyd-Reason, L. (2007) ‘An Investigation into the Initial Barriers to Internationalisation: Evidence from Small UK Retailers’ McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, September 2007, LA.
McClelland, E., Swail, J., Bell, J. and Ibbotson, P. (2005) ‘Following the pathway of female entrepreneurs: a six-country investigation’. Presented at the 7 th Annual McGill Conference, McGill University, Montreal, September.
Reavley, M., Lituchy, T. and McClelland, E. (2004) ‘Female Entrepreneurs in International Trade’. Presented at the UKAIB conference, University of Ulster, Magee, April.
McClelland, E. (2003) ‘An exploratory cross-border study of internationalising female Entrepreneurs in Ireland’ Presented at the 6th Annual McGill Conference, University of Ulster, Magee. September. (d) Competitive Research Grant
Competitive Research Grant Applications
December 2016: $2,500
Entrepreneur & Innovation Exchange E-fest Grant to support the development of entrepreneurial curriculum and prepare students to compete in E-Fest 2017.
Outcome: Fully Funded
October 2016: 18 month grant worth $100,000
National Endowment for the Humanities Connections 2017 Grant This project is entitled Rhetoric, Democracy, and Marketing brings together 3 faculty members at Susquehanna University to explore rhetoric in various contexts for teaching, research and collaboration.
Outcome: Unknown
September 2014: 5 year grant, worth $1,250,000
Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative
The purpose of the grant is to engage and teach young people about principle-based ethics, and to demonstrate that subscribing business ethics builds long-term value for all stakeholders.
November 2009 (£5,000)
British Academy/ ACU Grant for International Collaboration
Application entitled: Gaining Online Advantage via E-Tailing: Strategies for Small Independent Retailers.
Funding was sought to collaborate with Prof Frances Gunn, Ryerson University, Canada on this project.
Outcome - alpha rated application.
October 2009 (£1,500)
Academy of Marketing and Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Business Management Accountancy and Finance funding submitted.
Funding sought to develop a model for interactive collaboration in teaching marketing. October 2009
July 2009 (£7,500)
Research and Knowledge Exchange (RAKE) Fund
E-tailing: The use of technology in creating an online advantage for SME Retailers in the UK?
January 2009 (£7,500)
British Academy Small Research Grant
“E-Tailing: A viable route to international growth for small retailers?”
December 2008 (£3,000)
University of Ulster HEIF Academic Enterprise Funding Application submitted: “Now Grow”- Mentoring for Business Growth Scheme, is a joint initiative between Department of Business, Retail and Financial Services and the Causeway Enterprise Agency.
December 2008 (£5,000)
University of Ulster HEIF8 Cross Faculty Project Application submitted:
‘Creative Branding and Design Business Solutions for Small Firms in North West’ is a joint initiative between the UIster Business School and Faculty of Arts.
December 2008 (£3,000)
University of Ulster HEIF Academic Enterprise Funding Application submitted:
‘Growing Business Online for Retailers in Northern Ireland’. The project aimed to provide business advice and support to smaller resource constrained retailers struggling to compete in the current economic climate.
Measures of Esteem in Research
September 2016-Jan 2017 Reviewer for United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference, Drexel University, Jan 2017.
September 2010- Present: Founding member of the Gender and Enterprise Network, a Special Interest Group of the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship.
August 2010- Present: Reviewer for Education and Training
August 2010- Present: Reviewer for the International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship
July 2010- Present: Reviewer for Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
July 2010- Present: Reviewer for the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research
March 2010-Present: Reviewer for New Marketing Textbooks
March 2010- Present: Reviewer for British Academy of Management conference: Retail Special Interest Group
March 2009: Reviewer for EAERCD (European Association for Education and Research in Commercial Distribution) Conference July 2009
December 2008- Present: Reviewer for ESRC Mid-Career Fellowship Grants
September 2008- Present: Member of Ireland’s Network of Teachers and Researchers in Entrepreneurship
September 2007- Present: Member of Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Teaching and Administration
Areas of Teaching Experience and Expertise
Strategic Marketing
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
International Marketing
International Marketing (online and traditional format)
Marketing Management
Marketing Communications
Marketing Research
Entrepreneurship/ New Venture Creation
The Entrepreneurial Mind-set
Independent Honors Class Management of SME’s
Principles of Marketing (Online and traditional format)
Principles of Entrepreneurship- Multidisciplinary Bootcamp class
Freshman Year Initiative
Organisation Studies
Principles of HRM
In Development
Online Marketing and Sales
Creating Marketing Materials
Service Activity at Susquehanna University
Appointed Positions
Director for the Center of Economics, Business and Entrepreneurship Educatiom
Academic Director for the LIFE program
Faculty Affairs Committee member
Faculty support to the Dean for AACSB accreditation
Faculty Mentor to the Stanford Innovation Fellows
Member of the SWSB Curriculum Committee
Member of the SWSB Assessment committee
Search committee member for Marketing position
Curriculum Development
Completed full review of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Minor within SWSB and submitted extensive changes for new classes and structure to the minor to the University curriculum committee.
Developed 3 new classes for the revised Entrepreneurship and Innovation Minor within the SWSB.
Developed a project with ‘Gilson Snowboards’ for my international Business class whereby the class undertook a significant research project involving the Grand Valley Chamber of Commerce. These projects were presented in December 2016 to Gilson and a panel of local business people
Consultancy Work
Sept 2009-June 2012: Knowledge Transfer Partnership ($150,000 over 2 years) Working with Menary’s Retail Limited, a mid-level retail organization in Northern Ireland, I developed and implemented a tailored Business Information (BI) strategy that allowed the company to effectively communicate with and listen to its customers and better meet customer needs.
March 2011- May 2011: “Eco-nomic”. As part of the Innovation Promoters Programme (6 days) to support rebrand and launch of new product. (Value $7,500)
January-April 2011: Knowledge Club and Newtownabbey Borough Council, Northern Ireland. In collaboration with Newtownabbey Borough Council, I held a Business Seminar entitled ‘Strategies for Growth’. Twenty five companies within the Newtownabbey Borough Council area 8 attended the event which was followed up by a second funded event in April 5th to encourage businesses to utilise social media tools. ($2,500)
February 2010: HEIF Connect: Developing entrepreneurial skills through the Xing tool. Funding was sought to provide entrepreneurial training to final year students before attending the Flux enterprise competition. ($400)
October- December 2009: “Ballyeamon Eggs”, Cushendall. Market Research development and marketing plan. ($12, 000 but given Free Gratis as part of the Business in the Community mentoring initiative- 25 hours)
June 2009-July 2009: Invest Northern Ireland Innovation Voucher ($6,000) Marketing Research, Strategy and Plan for Gold and Silver Plating Services. Carried out for acceptable Enterprises, Larne.
Jan 2009- April 2009: Invest Northern Ireland Innovation Voucher ($6,000) ‘Efficiency appraisal of stock management and pricing systems’. Carried out for Hutchinson Tiles, Coleraine.
Dec 2008- January 2009: Invest Northern Ireland Innovation Voucher ($6,000)
Sept -December 2008: Market Research Report for UUTech ($5,500) The potential uses for NMR technology within the pharmaceutical industry in the UK and Ireland.
May - August 2008: Market Research Report for UUTech ($5,500) ‘Tank Hawk’ a cross faculty project between the Ulster Business School and the School of Environmental Science.
January 2008: University of Ulster HEIF Academic Enterprise Funding ($3,000) This was match funded by the Causeway Enterprise Agency (£1850.00) Together this funding was used to hold a training and networking event entitled ‘Intrigued to Innovate’ for women entrepreneurs. This event held on the 29th May 2008 attracted over 140 women from all over Northern Ireland.
Additional Information
Scholarships and Awards
2016: Presidents Merit Award for Excellence Value $3,000
2015: Presidents Merit Award for Excellence Value $1,000
2014: Professional Development Fund Colorado Mesa University To attend SWAM conference Value $2,000
2014: Presidents Merit Award for Excellence Value $500.00
2010: Erasmus Travel Grant To conduct teaching and research at Aarhus School of Business at Aarhus University, Denmark. Value $4,000
2009: Flux UK award I mentored a group of students to win the UK national award in enterprise Value $5,000
2002-2006: Department of Education and Learning (DEL) Full educational scholarship for PhD study. Value $180,000
June 2001: International Ambassador of the Year 2000-2001 Received from: Cornell College, USA
2000: Business Education Initiative Full educational scholarship to study in Cornell College, USA for 1 year Value $85,000